Shortest Paths in Graphs: The Bellman-Ford Algorithm The Bellman-Ford Algorithm Technische Universität München
Einfacher Graph mit 4 Knoten.

What's the cheapest way from left to right?

Shortest paths and cheapest paths

In many applications one wants to obtain the shortest path from a to b. Depending on the context, the length of the path does not necessarily have to be the length in meter or miles: One can as well look at the cost or duration of a path – therefore looking for the cheapest path.

This applet presents the Bellman-Ford Algorithm, which calculates shortest paths even when cost can be negative.

What do you want to do first?

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Knoten Node
Knoten Edge with weight 50


Which graph do you want to execute the algorithm on?

Start with an example graph:

Modify it to your desire:

  • To create a node, make a double-click in the drawing area.
  • To create an edge, first click on the output node and then click on the destination node.
  • Right-clicking deletes edges and nodes.

Download the modified graph:


Upload an existing graph:


occured when reading from file:

the contents:


What next?

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Knoten Starting node from where distances and shortest paths are computed.
Knoten "Predecessor edge" that is used by the shortest path to the node.


Algorithm status


d(v[1]) ← 0

FOR j = 2,..,n DO

d(v[j]) ← ∞

FOR i = 1,..,(|V|-1) DO

FOR ALL (u,v) in E DO

d(v) ← min(d(v), d(u)+l(u,v))

FOR ALL (u,v) in E DO

IF d(v) > d(u) + l(u,v) DO

Message: "Negative Circle"


Variable status:

i d(u) d(v) l(u,v)

Task is terminated if the tab is changed.

You can open another browser window for reading the description in parallel.

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Knoten Starting node from where distances and shortest paths are computed.
Knoten "Predecessor edge" that is used by the shortest path to the node.


Test your knowledge: How does the algorithm decide?


d(v[1]) ← 0

FOR j = 2,..,n DO

d(v[j]) ← ∞

FOR i = 1,..,(|V|-1) DO

FOR ALL (u,v) in E DO

d(v) ← min(d(v), d(u)+l(u,v))

FOR ALL (u,v) in E DO

IF d(v) > d(u) + l(u,v) DO

Message: "Negative Circle"


The task is terminated if the tab is changed.

You can open another browser window for reading the description in parallel.

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Knoten Starting node from where distances and shortest paths are computed.
Knoten Edge that has already been selected.
Knoten Edge that has been selected in the previous step.


What is the optimal ordering of the edges?

What is the optimal ordering of the edges?

The Bellman-Ford Algorithm can compute all distances correctly in only one phase.

To do so, he has to look at the edges in the right sequence. This ordering is not easy to find – calculating it takes the same time as the Bellman-Ford Algorithm itself.

This ordering is reasonable This ordering is less reasonable

As one can see in the example: The ordering on the left in reasonable, after one phase the algorithm has correctly determined all distances. This is not the case on the right.

In this exercise you can test how many phases the algorithm needs for different sequences of the edges.

Task is terminated if the tab is changed.

You can open another browser window for reading the description in parallel.